May 9, 2012

I feel rather unaccomplished

So I just found out that my best friend Linda works here (pictured above) and I couldn't possibly be more jealous. Apparently they have robots that retrieve your books for you and again I could not be more jealous.

More than jealousy I'm beginning to realize that, although Linda might just be working at a minimum wage job that isn't exactly prestigious, she's still working somewhere really interesting and I'm not working anywhere at all.

My roommate Andrew has a really cool internship this summer at a company that does analysis for phone call marketing (or something I don't really know).

My other roommate Matt is currently working in a lab that researches membrane trafficking and chromatin structure and function. (But apparently he hates it...what a jerk)

My other roommate Jared is working at a company that's developing a product much like Dropbox that's potentially worth a couple million. (no link for that one, they have no website)

My point is that I feel terribly unaccomplished living and being best friends with these people who are doing absolutely incredible things. It makes me realize that I'm not a child anymore, and as hand-holdy the whole college system seems I really am on my own at this point.

At the same time as feeling under-accomplished I also feel like I'm not even good enough to be working at places like that, what discernible skills do I have beyond being an average student? I've been meaning to apply to this lab over the summer that's working on stem cells, aging, and regeneration but I haven't worked up the energy or the courage to write the email that is required for that.

I'm honestly terrified that I'm not going to get into a research lab that interests me, and that is literally the most important thing to me. I need to be working on things that I enjoy learning about or I will end up hating what I do, just like Matt does.

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